Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Things First

 For Parents (the for teens section is below):

When planning a family trip that involves your teen always try to get them involved. Even if it is just telling you one thing they want to do on the trip and you trying to make it happen or them getting completely involved and helping choose location, hotels and things to do. Try to keep the location teen friendly, for example while a trip to wine country out in California and Oregon may sound like a wonderful vacation for parents, your teen may be less than thrilled. Try to keep the location a place that has a wide variety of activities for all ages. I like resorts for this reason, especially if you are in an area that has little to do. Resorts offer planned activities, for example in Hawaii many resorts have hula lessons, and they have a wide range of places for activities. At the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, they have a lawn that is filled with different lawn games and even fishing. Another thought is to take a cruise where teens and parents can separate and do their own thing for awhile and then do family things. With this option you and your teens will not be in each others hair the entire vacation. If you are going somewhere and you're not comfortable letting your teen go off on their own consider letting them bring a friend. A friend puts the buddy system in action and also allows your teen to have someone their own age around.

For Teens:

Don't let your parents plan the entire trip. Get involved, tell them some things you'd be interested in doing. Do some research on the place you are going. Remind them that while they may enjoy a behind the scenes tour of a winery, you don't. They may think that the perfect trip is culture in Europe while you may prefer a beach vacation. Do not be afraid to tell them so. Your opinion is important, first because if they choose something you don't like they will have to put up with your constant complaints and second because they won't have to guess what you like. They are not the only ones going on the vacation, you need to enjoy it too. Just remember there is usually a budget so keep your requests within that budget. Bringing a friend is always good but not always possible. If it isn't possible this is a good time to make memories with your parents and remember you can always meet someone your age at the pool. Help out in the planning process and your trip will be more enjoyable and also be open to new ideas. A cultural trip to Europe could actually be fun!

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